About Me

Tales from the marvellous world of a Good Girl....(in training).

Hello! Thanks for dropping by and welcome to my collection of aimless thoughts. Feel free to have a sift through my blundering attempts to keep the flat in order, turn my balcony into a miniature allotment, finish my crafty projects, become a fully trained teacher and, above all, be good.   

I live in the South East of England with my boyfriend The Gentle Giant, who I'm sure will make regular appearances in the pages of this blog. My goal is a simple one; to be happy and make the people around me happy. Granted this is not always easy, what with my grumpy disposition, but I keep on trying! 

The things that float my boat are crafting (especially knitting), writing, growing my own vegetables, cooking, seeing live music and spending time with family and friends. Here is where you can read all about it. I will do my best to make it as useful as possible to anybody who is interested in similar past times so please do come on in and have a look around.

My mortal enemy is The Storage Beast that comes in at night and sucks away all likely and possible storage solutions and leaves cardboard boxes, bubble wrap and cellophane in its wake. He's a real bugger.

Feel free to get in touch any time, I would be thrilled to hear from you.